Nine Worlds of Seid-Magic
Ecstasy and Neo-Shamanism in North European Paganism
Jenny Blain
Routledge, London 2002
"Impressive and well thought out... Jenny Blain is undoubtedly the right person to write the best book on
heathenism today... an accessible book that many will welcome and some will contest"
Graham Harvey, reader in religious studies, King Alfred´s College, Winchester
Shamanic practices known as Seidr, often ivolving interactions with the spirit world and states of altered
consciousness, lie at the heart of the pagan religions of Northern Europe. This accessible study explores
the waves in which Seidr, a key element of ancient Scandinavian belief systems described in the Icelandic sagas
and Eddas, is now being rediscovered and redeveloped by people around the world. The book draws on a wealth of
research and experience to analyse the phenomenon and place it in context.
Written by someone who is a practioner as well as a scholar, this is a unique exploration of what Northern
´shamans´ do, and how they speak of the spirits they meet. It is set within discussions of Shamanism,
identity, insider ethnography and new directions in the anthropology of religion. It will fascinate all those
with an interest in the possibilities for alternative spirituality in today´s world.
Jenny Blain is a senior lecturer in the school of social science and law at Sheffield Hallam University, where
she is route leader for the MA in social science research methods.
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