The Encylopædia of Celtic Wisdom

The Celtic Shaman´s Sourcebook

Caitlín & John Matthews

456 Blz., ISBN 1 85230 786 2     
Element, 1997     

The Celtic Tradition is a source of inspiration to many of us seeking to discover our ancestral spiritual heritage. Yet so many primary Celtic texts, rich in ancient wisdom, have been buried away rom us for generations.
Drawing upon a deep well of ancestral knowledge, this superb sourcebook contains many new translation of seminal Celtic texts, including stories, poems and prose pieces, many dating from as far back as the seventh century. Key ingredients include shamanic memory, druidic divination and prophecy, shapeshifting, soul-loss and restoration, magic and healing. There are detailed commentaries, comprehensive background material and practical shamanic insights.

´This wide-ranging sourcebook contains new translations of seminal texts. Read carefully, this book deserves it´
Scottish Independent

´You could do no better than invest in this book and practice what it teaches.´
One Earth

´A rich volume´ New Humanity

´Likely to become a standard in its field.´
West Briton

Caitlín & John Matthews are internationally renowned for their research into ancient Celtic Wisdom. They have written many successful books including The Celtic Shaman in the Element Earth Quest series, and the following titles in the Elements of series: The Celtic Tradition, The Arthurian Tradition, The Goddess and The Grail Tradition.

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